POWERUP DART/3.0 Invader template assembly video
Flying with wheels (DART ONLY) Dreamer template assembly
After you mastered flying the Invader airplane, head over to the Dreamer airplane and learn how to take-off from the ground using wheels.
1- Hold the rear skid connector under the main body carbon rod and align.
2 - Carefully rotate clockwise the connector until the crossbar is perpendicular to the main body rod and until you feel a click locking action. You must hold the main body rod with your other hand and NOT put side pressure on the main body while locking, too much side pressure on the rod could damage the main carbon rod.
3 - After locking the rear skid onto the main carbon body slide it to the rear.4 - Locate the landing gear (wheels) U shape between the clips and the rear tiny fin.
5. - Fold the P1 Dreamer template which is designed for takeoff and landing, the Invader model is not designed for ground takeoff and may not work.
7 - Slide the airplane into the clip all the way, if the wheel frame rotates nudge it into place, when sliding the airplane under the clips apply upward pressure.
8 - Locate the rear skid tail in the V groove on the rear side of the airplane, slide it slightly forward so it sits over the wing, this is required to hold the wing angle and eliminate rotation of the rear skid during hard landings. Apply scotch tape in the marked location. Verify that the main carbon rod is located flat on the wing and exactly in the center of the airplane, and apply tape on the trailing edge on each side over the carbon rod.
9 - Cut both Elevators using scissors on the black marked lines and raise slightly. Cut also the rear rudder on the Keel and bend slightly to the right.
10 - This is how your assembled Dreamer airplane should look like ready for take of from the ground.
1 comment
Such a simple concept and so much fun! I have had a blast learning to fly this model. I love the idea of building paper planes and flying by phone. The FPV will be next!
The build is some what critical. Folds are necessary to follow for symmetry and good flight characteristics, same with other aircraft. The instructions above answer a thousand questions which the "package" does not answer.
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