Unwanted Bank (left or right) – A bank is a steady turn. If your smartphone is leveled and still you get an unwanted bank it could be for several reasons:
- The elevators are not even- one is higher then the other. This creates more lift on the side with the higher elevator, creating a roll.
- The torque of the engine creates a yaw - our software is considering this and compensate with the electric rudder.
- The paper rudder is off balance - the paper rudder is a wing, and creates lift. if its off balance, it creates a force that change the nose direction.
Spiral Dive – The combination of a dive and a bank causes a spiral dive. To correct a spiral dive apply the above technics. You may also want to increase the dihedral in order to reduce the effect of the spiral dive.
1 comment
The configuration of these models technically should call the trailing edge movable surfaces elevons (combined elevator/aileron). Raising both surfaces evenly does indeed increase lift. The advice here is possibly misleading; the plane with elevons will bank toward the higher elevon (thus the side with the higher elevon cannot have more lift). Just contemplate how ailerons work, its the differential lift!
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