Basic Maneuvers
1. Climbing - keep the throttle at maximum. Please note that during a climb your ability to turn is limited, since the airplane uses the differential thrust to turn. While climbing both motors will be at maximum.
2. Leveled flight - set your throttle to 80%. This activates the altitude loop in the autopilot so the airplane will maintain altitude. The control box will turn green to confirm.
3. Banking - use the roll stick to set the roll angle you want.
Note: the thrust adjusts automatically to keep your airplane flying at the same altitude while it is banking. This automatic adjustment is necessary because lift is lost when the wings are not leveled.
4. Straight flight - while the roll stick is untouched, the airplane will maintain the last heading it was flying at, by using the Heading Loop in the Autopilot.
Important: Monitor your battery level throughout the flight. If it is below 20%, prepare to land.
Operating the Camera
Recording is starting automatically when you press Launch (not valid at the Beta stage).
It will stop automatically 30 seconds after landing.
You can stop recording or restart it by pressing the Rec button at any time. The red button is enlarged when recording is on, and reduced in size when it is turned off.
To take a still image - press the Camera button.
Note: for recording and still images you must fly with an SD card inserted into your FPV module.
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