The launch technique needs some practicing, Many pilots in their first flights don't throw correctly:
If you take your hand backward the G sensor will be activated and start the flight, with moving the hand forward to throw the airplane, it will sense a second G and consider it as landing and shot down. Throw the airplane very gently with a smooth forward motion.
This is the correct sequence:
Go to the settings in the App and check the Throw to Fly state - Enabled or Disabled.
Throw to Fly Enabled:
1. To release the throttle - Double tap in the marked area
2. When the throttle is unlocked the message will show: THROW TO FLY and a voice will say "You are cleared for take off".
3. Raise the throttle to 100%, the motors will not start until the launch. Be careful of the blades, they will start spinning if you shake the airplane prior to launch.
4. Throw the airplane for the G sensor to be activated, the motors will start spinning.
Throw to Fly Disabled:
1. To release the throttle - Double tap.
2. When the throttle is unlocked the message will show: LAUNCH NOW and a voice will say "You are cleared for take off".
3. Raise throttle to 100%, the motors will start spinning.
4. Throw the airplane for the G sensor to be activated, now the autopilot correction system will start working.
In VR mode flying Throw to Fly Enabled is a default state, you cannot change this settings.
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