If you find that you are having a hard time lifting off after launch please do the following:
Change your launch setting to" Throw to fly" - disabled. This will give you an RC style take off with propellers throttling up when you increase thrust.
Reasons you are not able to get the airplane to ascend after launch
- You are starting a turn or bank too early after takeoff, let the airplane gain altitude first.
- You are not launching into the wind (a must)
- You are not thrusting up to 100% during takeoff.
- Your elevators setting are too hight - they now become airbrakes. reduce the elevators a bit, test the airplane with a strong throw throttle off, it should glide with a correct setting of the elevators.
- Your battery is not 100% charged or it is old or defective - fully charge or replace.
- You live at a altitude above 5000' this could be challenging due to thinner air.
- Your launch style - normally the autopilot should be able to lift off almost from any style, be sure you are launching with your airplane leveled or pointing a bit down.
- Your motors have been used for a long while - they may need replacing.
- Your props are damaged - replace
- Your Airplane is damp or wet - fly on a dry day and replace your airplane.
- You forgot to assemble the cross bar which will keep your wing dihedral flat.
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