This is your first step, you can start here even before you receive your kit.
We have awesome tutorial videos for you to checkout. I highly recommend to start with the Invader design which is included in every kit. If you ordered the printed template kits or the POWERUP Paper Airplane Book, their tutorial videos are also included below. You can use any standard printer/ copier paper A4 or US letter (8.5"X11"). Some of the designs will require larger paper A3 or tabloid (11"X17")
Our partners from Foldable Flight, FliteTest and NightHawk Gliders have prepared great tutorial videos for their planes. I recommend to test the Foam and Balsa kits only after you master flying the paper models. Foam and especially the balsa kits may break when they crash (and they will :-) no worries you can always repair and glue them back but better start on a right foot and practice first with paper which you can always fold without worry.
Below are the recommended kits organized from easy to challenging to craft and fly. You can also access video instructions on your POWERUP 4.0 app.
Invader by Shai Goitein
Dragon by Shai Goitein
Nakamura lock by EJ Nakamura
Foldable Flight Paper Airplanes - by Kyle Boyer
Wide Glider
Emperion one
A-9 Eagle
Hammer head
Infinity wing
Download wing templates
FliteTest MakerFoam - by Josh Bixler
EZ Bug
EZ Streak
F22 Jet
NightHawk Gliders - Balsa Wood - by Brad and Bruce Williamson
Tornado Updraft 12
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