Acro Mode?
AnsweredI have the ability to choose Acro Mode in the app now, but I can't figure out what difference that makes, or how to do the promised "tricks" such as barrel rolls in this setting. Can someone explain how it works?
I would also generally recommend a nice long video on the latest version of the app showing all the features.
Official comment
Thanks for you post Krister,
The acro mode does add a boost of power to allow for tricks. Shai will be posted some new how to content on our support page in the near future.
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It's not just me then! I just sent an email asking about this too. Where can I find those promised in-app controls to do barrel rolls, hammerheads etc? And where is the auto-loop button?
This is what it says in the product description:
"Use the in-app controls to loop, barrel roll and hammerhead with ease. Or hit auto-loop and enjoy your own private airshow"Thanks very much!
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