PowerUp 4.0 balsa glider
Featured Answeredhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjD7J8Gd9kk
A video of PowerUp 4.0 powering a Guillow Daredevil model balsa glider. I made a few modifications including removing the metal weight clip from the front of the glider and trimming the tail a little bit. The PowerUp module is mounted in the Inverted position. I notched the fuselage a little bit to make room for the propellers. The video is best viewed full-screen.
Mostly because I wanted to keep the module out of the dirt when I landed. I also thought it might present a little less drag in that configuration, but mostly it was about landing on the ground. I used the pre-programmed balsa glider configuration in the app and just changed it to "Inverted" mode. It worked great!
In fact, I did trim the tail because I also found that the original configuration was slow in turning. So I thought that trimming down the vertical stabilizer/tail might help. Based on my limited experience, I would suggest that you try trimming the tail a little bit at a time until you get the response that you want. Have fun! Steve
Yeah, I approximated the size of the vertical stabilizer in your photo and it worked much better. Now the main challenge I have is that it tends to fly pretty fast and high and I get out of range and lose control of the plane.
Is there a plane configuration you use that works well?
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